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R-MKL (Radius MKL) is a TwoStepMKL algorithm finding the kernels combination that maximizes the margin between classes. Differently to other approaches, R-MKL regularizes the solution by introducing radius information.

The algorithm learns a convex combination of base kernels with form

k_{\mu}(x,z)=\sum_r^P\mu_rk_r(x,z),\quad \mu_r\ge 0 \land\|\mu\|_1=1,

where \mu is the weights vector learned by R-MKL.


If you need additional details about R-MKL, please refer to the following paper:
Do Huyen, Kalousis Alexandros, Woznica Adam, and Hilario Melanie: "Margin and radius based multiple kernel learning". Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (2009)

Parameter Type Description
C double The SVM cost for non-separable data
**kwargs args TwoStepMKL parameters, see here
Attribute Type Description
n_kernels int number of combined kernels
KL list the training kernels list
func_form callable the combination function (e.g. summation, average...)
solution dict the solution of the optimization
direction str direction of the optimization, min or max
convergence bool True iff the algorithm reaches the convergence
cache dict a dictionary containing intermediate results and data structures used to speed-up the computation


See standard TwoStepMKL methods here


from MKLpy.algorithms import RMKL
from MKLpy.scheduler  import ReduceOnWorsening
from MKLpy.callbacks  import EarlyStopping

earlystop = EarlyStopping(
    KLva, Yva,      #validation data, KL is a validation kernels list
    patience=5,     #max number of acceptable negative steps
    cooldown=1,     #how ofter we run a measurement, 1 means every optimization step
    metric='roc_auc',   #the metric we monitor

#ReduceOnWorsening automatically redure the learning rate when a worsening solution occurs
scheduler = ReduceOnWorsening()

mkl = RMKL(
    scheduler=ReduceOnWorsening()).fit(KLtr, Ytr)