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AverageMKL is a simple wrapper defining the combination as the average of base kernels. Even if the average is a trivial solution, it is known to be a hard baseline in MKL. This wrapper helps the experimentation and the evaluation of this baseline against other complex approaches.

The kernels combination is trivially defined as

k_{\mu}(x,z)=\sum_r^P\mu_rk_r(x,z),\quad \mu_r=\frac{1}{P}
Parameter Type Description
learner Object the base learner dealing with the combined kernel
**kwargs args MKL parameters, see here
Attribute Type Description
n_kernels int number of combined kernels
KL list the training kernels list
func_form callable the combination function (e.g. summation, average...)
solution dict the solution of the optimization


See standard MKL methods here


from MKLpy.algorithms import AverageMKL
mkl = AverageMKL()
mkl =, Ytr)