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PWMK is a heuristic MKL algorithm that assigns the weights according to the individual kernels performance. The algorithm runs multiple SVM (or base learners) to compute the accuracy for each base kernel.

The algorithm returns the following combination of base kernels

k_{\mu}(x,z)=\sum_r^P\mu_rk_r(x,z),\quad \mbox{ where } \mu_r = \frac{acc(K_r)-m\delta}{\sum_h\left(acc(K_h)-m\delta\right)}

Specifically, m is the minimum accuracy achieved, and \delta is a hyper-parameter.


If you need additional details about PWMK, please refer to the following paper:
Tanabe, H., Ho, T. B., Nguyen, C. H., & Kawasaki, S: "Simple but effective methods for combining kernels in computational biology". IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future in Computing and Communication Technologies (2008, July)

Parameter Type Description
delta double
cv int or cv-splitter the cross-validation used to compute the accuracy
**kwargs args MKL parameters, see here
Attribute Type Description
n_kernels int number of combined kernels
KL list the training kernels list
func_form callable the combination function (e.g. summation, average...)
solution dict the solution of the optimization


See standard MKL methods here


In the following example, we show two ways to use a 5-fold cv to determine the combination weights

from MKLpy.algorithms import PWMK
mkl = PWMK(delta=0, cv=5).fit(KLtr, Ytr)

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
cv = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
mkl = PWMK(delta=0, cv=cv).fit(KLtr, Ytr)