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This is an abstract class describing the main structure of MKL algorithms. Input checks and the general behavior of MKL algorithms are implemented here. The combining mechanism and te optimization is implemented in the derived sub-classes

    verbose   = False, 
    tolerance = 1e-7, 
    learner   = None,
    max_iter  = -1,


MKLpy.algorithms.MKL is only an abstract class providing a general structure to other MKL algorithms. Do not use this class for doing classification!

Parameter Type Description
multiclass_strategy str the meta algorithm for solving multiclass problems (ova or ovr)
verbose boolean verbosity level
tolerance double the numerical tolerance during optimization
learner Object the base learner dealing with the combined kernel
max_iter int the maximum number of iterations, -1 means no limit
Attribute Type Description
n_kernels int number of combined kernels
KL list the training kernels list
func_form callable the combination function (e.g. summation, average...)
solution dict the solution of the optimization


.fit: finds the kernels combination and trains the base learner when available

fit(KL, Y)
  • KL: a list of training kernel matrices with the same shape
  • Y: the labels

Returns: self

.combine_kernels: combine the input kernels

combine_kernels(KL, Y)
  • KL: a list of training kernel matrices with the same shape
  • Y: the labels

Returns: the solution of the algorithm

.predict: predicts the labels given a test kernels list, i.e. kernels computed between test and training examples

  • KLte: a list of test kernel matrices. The dimension of kernels has to match with the training size, i.e. cols(KLte[i]) == rows(KL[i]) == cols(KLtr[i])

Returns: a mono-dimensional array containing test predictions

.decision_function: projects the test examples on the class-distance vector. The high is the value the low is the distance with the positive class.

  • KLte: a list of test kernel matrices. The dimension of kernels has to match with the training size, i.e. cols(KLte[i]) == rows(KL[i]) == cols(KLtr[i])

Returns: a mono-dimensional array containing test scores


.decision_function may not work in multiclass scenarios


Two-step algorithms rely on an alternate optimization procedure, where they alternatively optimize, step by step, the combination weights and the SVM parameters until convergence.

MKLpy provides an abstract class, namely TwoStepMKL, that extends MKL and encapsulates the alternate optimization strategy.


MKLpy.algorithms.TwoStepMKL is only an abstract class providing a general structure to other TwoStepMKL algorithms. Do not use this class for doing classification!

Parameter Type Description
learning_rate double the step used in gradient descent optimization
callbacks list a list of callbacks used every iteration
scheduler Scheduler the scheduling strategy used to play with the learning rate
max_iter int the maximum number of iterations, -1 means no limit
**kwargs args MKL parameters, see here
Attribute Type Description
n_kernels int number of combined kernels
KL list the training kernels list
func_form callable the combination function (e.g. summation, average...)
solution dict the solution of the optimization
direction str direction of the optimization, min or max
convergence bool True iff the algorithm reaches the convergence
cache dict a dictionary containing intermediate results and data structures used to speed-up the computation


The method combine_kernels is overrided from MKL to implement the dual optimization meta-algorithm.

Moreover, TwoStepMKL has a few methods in addition to the ones derived from MKL.


These are abstract methods needed to implement novel solutions, and they are used in the optimization process. If you just need to use existing MKL algorithms, do not consider these methods.

.initialize_optimization: this method initialize the optimization context, including algorithm-specific data structures, and it returns the initial solution


Returns: self

.do_step: his method computes an optimization step abd returns the new (updated) solution.


.score: projects the test examples on the class-distance vector. The high is the value the low is the distance with the positive class.

This method is designed to leverage the internal SVM used by TwoStepMKL algorithms during the optimization.

  • KLte: a list of test kernel matrices. The dimension of kernels has to match with the training size, i.e. cols(KLte[i]) == rows(KL[i]) == cols(KLtr[i])

Returns: a mono-dimensional array containing test scores